#Query to check active sessions set lines 300 pages 3000 time on col username for a18col event for a33 col inst_id for 9 col sid for 99999 col ET for 9999999 col module for a10 trunc col BS for 9999 col FBS for 9999 select systimestamp from dual; select inst_id ,sid,username,sql_id,event,p1,p2,module,last_call_et as et, row_wait_obj# as obj,ROW_WAIT_ROW# as rr, BLOCKING_SESSION BS, FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION FBS from gv$session where wait_class !='Idle' and event not like 'SQL*Net message%' order by inst_id,event / #Query to check active/inactive count by instance and username col username for a20 col status for a20 select inst_id,username,status,count(*) from gv$session where username is not null and event not like 'SQL*Net message%' group by inst_id,username,status order by 1,2; #Query to check active/inactive count by username col username for a20 col status for a20 select username,status,count(*) from gv$session where username is not null and event not like 'SQL*Net message%' group by username,status order by 1; #Query to check active session count by instance, event, and sql_id col username for a20 col event for a36 select inst_id,username,event,sql_id,count(*) from gv$session where username is not null and event not like 'SQL*Net message%' and status='ACTIVE' group by inst_id,username,event,sql_id order by 1,2,3,4; #Query to check active session count by event and sql_id col username for a20 col event for a36 select username,event,sql_id,count(*) from gv$session where username is not null and event not like 'SQL*Net message%' and status='ACTIVE' group by username,event,sql_id order by 1,2,3,4; #Query to check session history in past order by timestamp set lines 300 pages 3000 col event for a37 col owner for a18 col object_name for a35 -- begin_sample_time e.g. 21-FEB-2023 20:00 -- end_sample_time e.g. 21-FEB-2023 20:30 select instance_number,to_char(sample_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),sql_id, event ,COUNT(1) from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time BETWEEN to_date('&begin_sample_time','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') AND to_date('&end_sample_time','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') and event is not null GROUP BY instance_number,to_char(sample_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), event,sql_id having count(1)>5 order by 2; #Query to check session history in past order by count set lines 300 pages 3000 col event for a37 col owner for a18 col object_name for a35 -- begin_sample_time e.g. 21-FEB-2023 20:00 -- end_sample_time e.g. 21-FEB-2023 20:30 select instance_number,to_char(sample_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),sql_id, event ,COUNT(1) from dba_hist_active_sess_history where sample_time BETWEEN to_date('&begin_sample_time','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') AND to_date('&end_sample_time','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') and event is not null GROUP BY instance_number,to_char(sample_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), event,sql_id having count(1)>5 order by 5; |
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